How to run the Lacrosse Star Passing Drill: Pass Like the Pros
Introduction to the Lacrosse Star Passing Drill
The Lacrosse Star Passing Drill is a classic exercise designed to improve passing and catching skills while on the move. It also helps in enhancing players' spatial awareness and communication on the field. The drill simulates game-like situations, allowing players to practice and hone their passing and receiving skills under pressure.
In essence, the Star Passing Drill involves five players forming the shape of a star, with each player representing a point on the star. The drill starts with one player holding the ball. This player passes the ball to the next player and then runs behind the player they passed to, taking their place. The receiving player will then pass the ball to the next player and follow their pass. This process is repeated in a continuous loop, with the ball constantly moving around the star.
Let's delve deeper into the drill, learning how to set it up, run it, and optimize its benefits for your lacrosse performance.
Setting Up and Running the Lacrosse Star Passing Drill
To set up the Lacrosse Star Passing Drill, you will need a minimum of five players and a lacrosse ball. Here are the steps to set it up:
Arrange the players in a star pattern, each player being a point of the star. Ensure that there is enough space between each player.
Give the ball to one of the players.
Explain the sequence of the drill to all the players.
Start the drill.
The steps to run the Lacrosse Star Passing Drill are:
The player with the ball starts the drill by passing the ball to the player on their left or right.
After passing the ball, the passing player runs behind the player they passed to, taking their position.
The next player receives the ball, passes it to the next player, and follows their pass.
The process is repeated, with the ball moving around the star and players swapping positions.
Remember, the key to this drill is to ensure that the players are always on the move, the passes are accurate, and the ball is never dropped.
Tips and Common Mistakes
Performing the Star Passing Drill can immensely improve your passing and receiving skills, provided it's done correctly. Here are a few tips to make the most of this drill:
Always on the move: This drill is about moving and passing. Make sure the players are always on the move and not standing still after passing the ball.
Accurate passes: Encourage players to make accurate passes. This will not only improve their passing skills but also make the drill run smoothly.
Communication: This drill requires constant communication among players. Encourage players to communicate loudly and clearly.
Common mistakes to avoid:
Running before passing: Some players may start running towards the next point before they pass the ball. This can lead to poor passes and dropped balls. Ensure players pass the ball before they start running.
Not following the pass: Some players may pass the ball and not run behind it. This disrupts the flow of the drill.
Poor communication: Lack of communication can cause confusion and disrupt the drill.
The Lacrosse Star Passing Drill is a fun and effective way to enhance your team's passing skills and overall game performance. Incorporate it into your training routine, and you will surely see the difference in your games.
The Lacrosse Star Passing Drill in Detail
The Lacrosse Star Passing Drill requires five players positioned at the five points of a star. Each player should be spaced out equally, ensuring that passes are neither too short nor too long.
Here's a step-by-step guide on running this effective passing drill:
Step 1: Formation All five players need to form a star shape with equal distance between each of them. This distance can be adjusted based on the proficiency of the players.
Step 2: Starting the Drill One player, with a ball, initiates the drill. They pass the ball to the player at the next point of the star, and then immediately runs to the spot of the player they passed the ball to.
Step 3: Continuing the Drill The player who received the pass then quickly passes the ball to the next player in the star, and follows their pass to that player's point in the star. This passing and moving continues in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, forming a rotating star pattern.
Step 4: Maintaining the Flow Ensure the players maintain a good pace while passing and moving. There should be no standing or waiting - as soon as a player passes, they should move, and as soon as a player receives a pass, they should pass.
Step 5: Ending the Drill The drill can be ended after a predetermined time limit or after a certain number of passes.
Mastering the Lacrosse Star Passing Drill
Mastering the Star Passing Drill requires focus, communication, and coordination. It's not just about passing and running - players need to anticipate the movement of their teammates and make sure their passes are accurate and well-timed.
Here are a few tips:
Keep Your Eyes Up Make sure to always keep your head up and observe the movements of your teammates. This will help you make accurate passes and predict where you need to run next.
Communicate Communication is key in this drill. Players should call out their passes and their runs to avoid confusion and to ensure everyone knows where the ball is and where it's going.
Use Both Hands Practice passing with both hands. This is not only a good skill to have, but it also makes the drill more challenging and engaging.
Increase the Pace As your team becomes more comfortable with the drill, increase the pace. This will help improve your team's reaction time and passing skills under pressure.
This drill, though simple in concept, can be very effective in improving your team's passing skills, movement, and overall coordination on the field. Stick with it, and you'll see noticeable improvements in your game.
Benefits and Variations of the Lacrosse Star Passing Drill
The Lacrosse Star Passing Drill offers several benefits to teams and individual players:
Improves Passing Skills: The drill emphasizes both speed and accuracy in passing, helping players to improve their basic passing skills.
Enhances Communication: The constant movement and passing require excellent team communication. This drill can significantly help in enhancing on-field communication among players.
Boosts Fitness Levels: Players are constantly on the move during this drill, which can be a great cardio workout.
Enhances Field Awareness: The rotation of the star helps players improve their field awareness as they need to keep track of their position and the positions of their teammates.
To make the drill more challenging, try these variations:
Switch Directions: Every few minutes, switch the direction of the passing. This keeps players alert and forces them to adapt quickly.
Add a Defender: Introducing a roaming defender who attempts to intercept the passes can make the drill more game-realistic and challenge the players to make quicker and more accurate passes.
Adjust the Distance: Increase the distance between the players to make the drill more challenging. This will require longer and more accurate passes.
The Lacrosse Star Passing Drill is a dynamic and effective way to improve your team's skills. Whether you're a coach or a player, integrating this drill into your training sessions can bring about noticeable improvements in performance.